VW SuperBowl Commercial: Get Happy!

Beetle happy

For this year, VW dropped the Darth Vader thing that they focused on the last two years and opted for a more happy commercial. As for the previous superbowl commercial, the new Beetle is the star of the ad. It features a turbocharged 2.0-liter four cylinder engine producing 200 hp and 207 lb-ft of torque. This is the same engine that is used for the golf GTI. A Beetle R is being worked on it will most probably be equipped by the same engine that will be tweaked and tuned a bit in order to deliver a couple of extra ponies. For now the Beetle Turbo has really turned from a girls car (with its flour vase that was standard) to a guys car. It’s design has really evolved. Would I’ll buy of of those? Well I think the Beetle still has that girl spirit in it. It would need a couple of years before being accepted by the masculine community.

For the ad, it is a very happy and fresh commercial, I really had a smile on my face at the end of it. The beetles front grill, is sort of smiling at you! Well in this world of chaos and stress and work, we all need a smile from time to time to peace-out  🙂 be happy!!

NB: To see the last 2 VW superbowl commercials you can click here and then here 🙂

The Making Of: “The Dog Strikes Back”

Behind the scenes of “The Dog Strikes Back”, Volkswagen’s 2012 Big Game commercial that i shared on in my previous post. Impressive. That dog is a serious actor!

Volkswagen Commercial: “The Dog Strikes Back”

This famous VW commercial featuring “The Dog” was aired during the 2012 Superbowl. It was a real success cumulating almost 14 million views as of today. Really liked how they linked it to the previous Darth Vader, “The Force”, commercial. The 2012 VW Beetle gets a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine that produces 200 hp/207 lb-ft of torque. Its the same engine as the VW GTI. What I like about this new Beetle is that it is more “manly” in a way than its predecessor. The R version of this model is just gorgeous. The Golf R better start warming up it has a really good opponent here!! Check the making of this video in my next post.